Saturday, August 6, 2016

Easy on Strengths and weaknesses

Everyone is a unique personality who has her definite interests and traits of character. Moreover, everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses. Some people are good at sports. Other people are good at manual work. On the other hand, one can be good at intellectual activity but weak in physical exercises. Have you ever thought about your personal strengths and weaknesses? I suppose it is very important to know such serious matters about you. When you can evaluate your strong and weak sides, you can find the right occupation and develop your own personality. When you know that you are good at drawing, you can become a professional in this field if you develop this skill intensively. 

In my opinion, the understanding of personal strengths and weaknesses is the most important point of human life. Her fate depends on this knowledge and objective understanding of her potential.

Naturally, every human being is good at something. Unfortunately, very few people discover and develop their hidden potential. Of course, it depends on parents and their attitude towards their child’s. 

They should be very attentive if they want to notice their child’s strengths. It is possible to notice them when you spend much time with the child and observe his behavior and the style of his playing. 

When you see that your child spends much time building something, you can guess that he can be good at architecture or practical work. When he spends long hours drawing something, he can be an inborn painter. If you notice that your daughter dances all the time, it is wise to give her a chance to become a professional dancer. Finally, when you see that your child is constantly counting various items, he can be interested in mathematics and sciences. As you see, you should just be attentive. On the other hand, it is impossible to define the child’s strong sides objectively, because his interests can be occasional.

As I speak about myself, I have discovered my personal strengths and weaknesses at a young age. When I went to school, I could not study such subjects as English, Science and Vocab, because they were too complicated for me. Moreover, I was not interested in learning them. I always found excuses to avoid doing my homework, because I preferred studying Social, Research and History. 

Fortunately, my parents understood the problem and did not make me waste time on these sciences. 

Consequently, I managed to learn fluent General Knowledge, Politic and Social Sectors. This knowledge has become extremely useful for me. I can find a good job, because every Development sectors requires smart professionals who know several Social sector, Research and Management Knowledge. If I had wasted time on mathematics and science, I would have failed to learn these Development subject perfectly. My knowledge would have been superficial. It is unreasonable to devote time to the unnecessary activities if you can spend this time on the improvement of your strengths.

Next, I should say that my strong quality is patience, work effectively and good coordination. I can fulfill such duties, which require constant attention and time. Obviously, this skill is important for mastering a Development sectors. You have to repeat the information a few times to remember it. Then, I am very hardworking. If I like my job, I will spend much time and many efforts to it. I become absorbed in my work and I try to do it perfectly. 

Finally, I am good at learning new things. If something is interesting to me, I can learn it easily. This quality is very important for every sector, because every sector is a changeable matter. Its situation changes all the time. If you stop learning brand new ideas or theory of development, you will not master a development sectors.

Personal strengths and weaknesses is a specific topic for discussion. When you want to build your professional and private life successfully, you ought to study you own character and your interests attentively.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What is Success?

Have you ever thought about the meaning of the well-known word 'success'? Some people believe that success is money and career. Others say that success is health and family. One can say that success is happiness. Naturally, the concept of success is very controversial and vague. It is impossible to define the meaning of success precisely. However, I will try to observe this issue from different sides in order to find the closest definition of this term.

It is possible to say that a successful person is the person who has reached his\her goal. When you dream about something and obtain it, you believe that it is a success. Success is closely connected with happiness, because when your dreams come true, you are happy. On the other hand, it is a mistake to claim that success means happiness, because very often, successful people are unhappy. Consequently, this term has its objective and subjective sides.

When we speak about the objective meaning of success, we understand that someone has reached his goal. For example, when one has got married and started his own family, he is happy. When one has bought a new car, he is also happy and successful. When one has earned much money, he is successful, because he is able to spend this money in the way he wants. Therefore, a successful person is the person who is able to take advantage of the results of her activity. The general understanding of success is a very simple. A successful person should have a good job, a perfect family and interesting pastime. When a person can afford material and spiritual benefits, she is successful.

A subjective side of success is very controversial. Everyone has his own understanding of success and happiness. There are cases when a successful person is unhappy. In this case, we can speak about the overestimation of the material benefits. Many people think that success is money. When you have built your successful career, you become rich. You can afford many material benefits. At the same time, you gain many responsibilities and you do not have time for your family and leisure. You ought to spend much time at the workplace and work hard for the development of your company. You become dependable on your job. You possess money and reputation, but you cannot take advantage of these strong sides. Consequently, spiritual benefits are no less important. Of course, career is associated with success. Many businesspersons build their careers and they enjoy their life. They enjoy devoting their entire time to their job. They like to communicate with their colleagues and discuss the latest relevant issues. Such people are active and successful. They know how to use the strong sides of their career properly. Doubtless, many rich people are successful from the point of view of the material benefits. Unfortunately, such people are not successful spiritually. When one devotes much time to his job, he forgets about his family. As a result, this person suffers from the lack of love and understanding. No wonder, some rich men lose their wives and do not establish parental ties with their children. They are successful but lonely.

In conclusion, success is a broad and controversial issue. It is impossible to find the single definition of this term, because everyone has his own understanding of success. I will say that one can explain the meaning of this word in two ways. Firstly, it is the objective happiness. Secondly, it is the possession of money, job, reputation and social status.